Monday, June 3, 2013

Monday Funday (wish it was still Sunday)

Good morning. It's my last full week of school (work). I'm going to miss all of my students, but I am excited for a little break. Not getting up at 4:45 will be amazing!

On to weekly goals. I didn't do them last week so nothing to report on. I did fairly well with my mini weekend goals.
1. I worked out yesterday, but not Saturday
(in my defense I had a little stomach bug and probably lost a few pounds on my own if you know what I mean) Sorry TMI

2. I had two cheat meals, but no dessert so I guess I kind of made this goal.

3. We went on a short walk, but we also cleaned our whole place so that ended up being active.

4. We didn't do any formal meal planning, but we shopped for the week and are going to try to get creative with our clean meals this week. Homemade clean taco bowls tonight :)

Operation Skinny Jeans

On to this week's goals. I'm linking up with Jess from Operation Skinny Jeans. She is one inspiring lady!

1. Work out before work Monday, Wednesday, Friday and then attend Zumba and Body Pump on Tuesday and Thursday. 

2. Eat clean this week with no cheats. 

3. Try to have a positive attitude about my journey and do not use the F word when referring to my self. (I mean the 3 letter one, not the 4 letter one ) :) The reason for this goal is that I will make little jokes about being fat (there I said the word), which just puts myself down instead of building myself up. 

Hope everyone has a great week! 


  1. Great goals, girl! Especially the positive self-talk! It's crazy how we talk to ourselves and never would say that to another person (at least their face haha!). Hope you have a great week!

    1. Thank you so much for the comment Katie! I completely agree that we often say things to ourselves that we wouldn't to others. Hope you have a great week as well :)

  2. Good Job keeping up with your goals. Keep it up

  3. Stopping by from the linkup and I'm now a follower :) Those are great goals--especially getting to the gym in the morning! I have a HARD time doing that. So props to you. Good luck with your goals this week!!

    1. I'm so glad you're following! :) Thank you so much for the sweet comment. I definitely have a hard time getting to the gym in the morning, but it helps thinking that I won't have to go after work!
